While avoiding the discussion on whether credit is actual legal tender of a country, I can safely say that credit is a form of future money manifested through any form of financial instrument that cannot be repaid immediately.
It is easy to understand how rapid credit (both retail and wholesale) growth facilitates economic growth. When credit is expanding, consumers can borrow and spend more and businesses can borrow and invest (in productive ventures) more. Increasing consumption and investment creates jobs and expands income and profits. Moreover, the expansion of credit tends to cause the price of assets such as stocks and property to increase, thereby boosting the net worth of the public. However this cycle to work successfully, it is imperative that every credit gets fulfilled by repayment allowing it to recirculate.
Credit in an economy needs to be managed and a balance needs to be achieved. Most recent example of global financial downturn is a great example: Rising asset prices give the owners of assets more wealth (i.e. collateral) against which they can borrow still more. This cycle of expanding credit leading to increased spending, investment, job creation and wealth, followed by still more borrowing produces a happy upward spiral of prosperity (so long as it continues). Eventually, however, every credit-induced economic boom comes to an end when one or more important sector of the economy becomes incapable of repaying the interest on its debt.
There are other doomsday scenario with credit, which happens in many under developed countries. This happens when credit is extended to the producer of goods who in turn is not able to put into sufficiently productive use either due to lack of knowledge (like rural farmers) or through deliberate actions (many industrialists in India take loans from bank, do not repay and rather siphon away the money from India to foreign banks like Swiss bank). Again when credit repayment extends out over several years, there is a permanent loss of revenue to the economy for goods and services. In effect the spending gets compressed into a smaller window, that results in stagnation until equilibrium (there is a availability of funds) returns. In the same way, it doesn’t do a company any good to sell its products for six months and then have six months off, if that isn’t how their production schedule is setup. This will result in lay-offs and other effects which, once again, reduce the “demand” side of the equation.
In general credit needs to paid to be an effective weapon of economic activity. The greatest threat to a credit is ‘default’ or rather probability of default to the credit issuer. As it is a probability, the law of large numbers comes into picture in the sense that frequencies of events with the same likelihood of occurrence even out , given enough instances. In short if the credit issuer gives a sufficient number loan to similar type of people then LLN (Law of Large Numbers) guarantees stable long term results for the averages of some random events. Given this, there exists a profitability model (like that of actuarial probability used in the Insurance industry) based on the final expectation calculation (*) . So looking at it linearly(ignoring all other influences) we can see that a credit issuer can, not only survive if some loans go bad in his/her portfolio but also rather enhance his profitability by driving towards issuing more and more similar loans . All he needs to do is control the number of defaults to a minimum to maximize profitability given a particular set of loans.
Credit was significant as a form of payment in colonial America. Credit was present in all forms of trade including international trade between England and her colonies. Even in ancient times the concept of credit existed and many Buddhist monasteries acted as counterparty, almost like a modern bank to various parties like local king or merchants. However not till modern times, there was this widespread use of credit given to the individual citizens of a country materialized. This I think is the understanding behind rise of every great economy of modern world and the fundamental difference between the developing and developed countries i.e. a great infrastructure for managing and harnessing the power of credit to unleash the ‘animal spirits’.
LLN and the subsequent weighted mean to compute the expectation is linear function and do not have feedback loop associated with it. So, as long as the profitability increase linearly and probabilities of defaults remain consistent with large number loans disbursed, the economy will not be threatened and the growth will continue. However in real life, greed infuses nonlinear feedback in terms of returns and destabilized probability of defaults, or even when probability of default is a sure event (say one), this projects into spiraling growth and finally collapse of the economy. LLN , expected weighted mean can also be the rational justification for the spread of microfinance with its greatest avatar of microcredit. One can and should build an infrastructure keeping in mind that credit growth rate should be in tandem with the development rate of production and services. Small farmers, landless laborers in developing countries do not own adequate land and other assets which can be used as collateral, and consequently face a situation of inadequate availability of credit. It is they who need help and given their large numbers, LLN can easily be used to build any kind of profitability model for application of any kind of credit based financial instruments. Also being a significant, probably the most important part of the society, their well-being will have a greatest impact on the economy uplifting the entire country altogether. Only thing to keep in mind is not to kill the hens that are laying the eggs i.e. a sustainable amount of profits should be reinvested in the communities to enhance their lifestyle and building hope amongst the people , which would also act as further motivating factor.
Taking a step backward, looking at the whole issue at global level, the same concepts apply, only in this case the numbers are huge. So in a single global portfolio, the diversity of probability of default will increase , so will the return variations, nonetheless running against such large numbers the linearity of the profitability model will be much more stable. Nonlinear feedback and spiraling growth will need to be huge to destabilize. However, if it is not properly managed sustaining the producers (farmers, landless laborers, industrial workers people who are directly engaged in real economic productivity: real economy as opposed to financial economy), that is there is no reinvestment of the profits leading to huge differences in the gap between rich and poor, the world itself will collapse, changing the face of the earth as we know it.
I would say, let us the harness the power of LLN and credit facility to bring the world together, include the global poor into a sustainable economic cycle. Let us be rich together, clearing the channels for generation and redistribution of wealth in a balance like the chakra (the wheel of Dharma) .
* According to the formula: (
) where X can take return value x1 with probability of defaults p1, value return x2 with probability p2