Friday, September 9, 2016

Nation State……Cycle of human civilization

‘A nation state is a type of state that conjoins the political entity of a state to the cultural entity of a nation, from which it aims to derive its political legitimacy to rule and potentially its status as a sovereign state. A state is specifically a political and geopolitical entity, whilst a nation is a cultural and ethnic one. The term "nation state" implies that the two coincide, in that a state has chosen to adopt and endorse a specific cultural group as associated with it. "Nation state" formation can take place at different times in different parts of the world.’  There goes the definition, does it exists in modern times, no, and increasingly human society is diverging away from its path. Yet, from the historical perspective, the concept, at least as in a limit, was a step towards change from earlier ideas of sovereign state governed by monarchies or theocracy. The new organization structure to implement nation state was either through democracy or republic or communism. All better than the previous structures in the sense that power and in turn economic benefits was spread between even more greater sections of the society. The efficiency of the allocation of resources far exceeded than what was achieved previously by the system of Monarchies or Theocracies. While nation state was better, but it also had severe drawbacks in emphasizing sharp demarcation of the borders in terms of cultural ethnicity, this led to the extreme examples of Hitler’s Germany, Imperial Japan and Colonial Governments of Various European Countries. We, together as human society learnt our lessons through the three centuries of 18th,19th and 20th and in the process giving birth to the new ideas of everything ‘transnational’.

Today globalization has already reduced the cultural diversity to the point of almost obliterating the ethno-cultural argument of the nation state. All that stands in the way of total homogenization is Religion, Language and human genome evolved body shape and size. Language barrier will break through technological evolution (as we figure out ways to effectively translate various languages) and simultaneous promotion for a need of a global language, religion through the acceptance of a common human rights concept, spread of the secular ideas and with the acknowledgement that there are multiple ways to God. Human physical form, via intermarriage as economic and political immigration in an increasingly physically interconnected (technological evolution in transportation) world increases. Today this (physical immigration) what is being resisted most , particularly by the rich nations , citing the ideas of nation state, in particular the cultural ethnicity , in reality to hang on to the global political power. However this very resistance is an obstacle to the efficient allocation of the resources (the ideal of our economic and financial system), look at the ageing population of the developed nations. Like nature that abhors vacuum, money abhors unproductive provision, so the barriers will break, people will immigrate as immigration, a human right; is same as the right to survive. More significantly, it is because of this settlement, there will be a change in the demographic structure of every country. The Global nature of this migration will result in mixing of genes, slowly diluting away the purity of the existing pools, resulting in a new physical form of the human being, leading to global standard of one class of genes. There will be no more Caucasian, Mongoloids, Dravidian or Negroid races as separated by their typical physical characteristics.

With people of the world all leaving under the vast commonality of humanity, there will be a need for governance, if not for anything but just to keep up and manage the efficient allocation of the earth’s resources. Economic ideas of growth through exploitation will be replaced by the concepts of sustainability and balance. What will be the organization structure that will govern I do not know but I do know that democracy or republic or communism will not be able to handle the multiple forces of such a large scale endeavor. Maybe new concepts will emerge as we, as human beings, muddle through this vast project of globalization.

Pluralistic states, like those in the United States, European Union and India are step towards it. While the concept of absolutely global, once again might be an ideal in the limit, till then national cultural groups will not disappear, the natural place of these groups will not be attaining power at the expense of other minorities. As immigration happens, people from different minority backgrounds continue to relocate and live in states that are not their ancestral home, pluralism will have to be accommodated, if not for anything at the least for the sake of peace, productivity and access to significant human talents. As of today, in every country, minorities need resources to survive but they produce more human talent and ingenuity per person than the majority of that country.

There will be very little basis of large scale conflicts between human being as the differences between civilizations will be non-existent, over that, variations arising out of residing in the earths diverse geography will be smoothed down by technology. As we see around the world, in today’s clothing fashion trends and so on. Maybe in such a world, there will not be a need for a world government, no organization of higher authority to manage us. We as a human being will be able to manage ourselves; a possibility is a societal collapse and move into communal anarchy (or harmony, depends on which way you look at it) or zero world government, in which governance is done on the local level based on a global ethic of human rights.

If that happens, a real possibility, I think we as a evolution of human beings will complete a full cycle. While there may be a complete destruction by the annihilation of mankind on earth , clearing the way for a fresh new start  I do not know. Nonetheless, if it does not , if human society survives, diversity will once again start increasing as the each local governance gets institutionalized, if not for anything else but for just local individual interest. Then the cultures, ways of living life, subsequently followed by religion, civilization and others forms of structures to hold mass consciousness. They will get sharpened , evolve and grow in another great cycle of human life on earth till , once again, like the pervious cycle,  human necessity will force them in reduction of diversity though globalization or something else.

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