While on one hand we need an economic system
for mankind to progress, on the other hand we need to not allow any individual
or entity to control it. This is the paradox for which we need to find a
balance, throughout human intellectual history that is one of the main issues
thinkers have been trying to solve. Human labor and endeavor is most effective
when in a ‘team’ and yet it is the ‘team’ as a whole who needs direction from
an individual.
We as a species need to figure out a way to
efficiently allocate our resources to meet the final end of progress (as we
call it: the betterment of mankind). In the early history it was through the
direct control of the assets by individuals (Kings or Chiefs); who through this
control have imposed their will and understanding of progress, in the process
turning the ‘team’ of human labor towards their perception of the world ( ex:
society in which Pharaohs ruled in Egypt) .
Later societies (modern 20th
Century), produced collective thoughts (as opposed to Kings/Chiefs) on what
should be the understanding of human progress, they thus needed to push human endeavor
in different direction. Since the producer of collective thought was no individual
so the control of the assets need not be direct (or individualized), rather indirect,
through an intermediary, what we know as money.
Usage of money, also helped, to the extent, that it opened up
opportunity for a larger pool of individuals to strive for controlling power and
also brought in a new player ‘the organization’ (as opposed to an individual)
in the competitive mix.
Over the years, these ideas evolved into today,
what we see in a modern economic system. However, the concept of money, the
bedrock of modern economic system, turned out to be very addictive. It violated
the fundamental principle of economics that
applies to food, clothing and other material objects: the more of them we have,
the less we value them, for money more we have them , more valuable it becomes
to us.
This is the nature of money: “By possessing
the property of buying everything, by possessing the property
of appropriating all objects, money is thus the object of
eminent possession. The universality of its property is the
omnipotence of its being. It is therefore regarded as an omnipotent being.
Money is the procurer between man’s need and the object, between his
life and his means of life. But that which mediates my life
for me, also mediates the existence of other people for me. For me it
is the other person.” Karl
Marx, Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844. Money enhances the indirect
ability of an individual. That which I am unable to do as a man, and of
which therefore all my individual essential powers are incapable, I am able to
do by means of money. Over the years, the money became such a powerful
idea that it became the definition of our individual’s worth; it gave us the freedom to make our life what we want it to be and also the
most valuable thing, that is freedom from having to worry about money itself. From
the tool of helping mankind to efficiently allocate our resource, it became the
very definition of our free will.
This I think is one of the reasons for rise of
current political chaos. At one hand we reverted back to the original order of exploiter-exploited
model (did we ever leave it at all? we always dreamt of equality for all but it
remained as a dream only.) and on the other hand, more importantly, we are driving
environmental collapse. The third parties, whether it is the banks or countries
that, regulate how we use
our money not only drove vast majority of people into economic desperation,
political corruption, and financial instability but also, for the first time in
the history of mankind are on the brink of destroying the very planet we live
in. They serve mainly the interests of a global financial oligarchy by throttling,
controlling the financial system. They have money; they want more and value
them even more. Whereas as a society, we confront one simple truth: an economic
system based on the false idea that money is wealth—and the false promise that
maximizing financial returns to the holders of financial assets will maximize
the well-being of all. In actuality, it inevitably does exactly what it is
designed to do:
Those who have financial assets and benefit from financial games get steadily
richer and more powerful.
The winners use the power of their financial assets to buy political favor and
to hold government hostage by threatening to move jobs and tax revenue to friendlier
states and countries.
The winners then use this political power to extract public subsidies, avoid
taxes, and externalize environmental, labor, health, and safety costs to
further increase their financial returns and buy more political power.
results in a vicious cycle of an ever greater concentration of wealth and power
in the hands of those who demonstrate the least regard for the health and
well-being of others and the living Earth, on which we all depend. Fewer and
fewer people have more and more power and society pays the price. Historically
this was always true, we thought that in 20th century, ‘for the progress of mankind’ we figured out a
better system but it seems that, long hand of greed and human nature to control
and dominate, figured out a way to bend our modern financial system.
next avatar/idea is the global currency, which I think we should try for the
same objective: progress of mankind. Something that will help in universal
valuation of goods and services (i.e. the same haircut should cost same in UK
and China) and decentralized, shared book keeping for all monetary transactions
(this will take away the throttling power of the 3rd party financial
institutions). Thus, a traditional currency system that depends on the
involvement of a third party (bank and central bank) as the settlement body can
be replaced. However, the conventional currency system revolved around the
central bank and is not designed only for trading and transaction, but is also
held responsible for monetary policies such as credit expansion, price
stability and flexible money supply – all duties that the new currency system
need to fulfill. But How?
a decentralized organization, without any national credit endorsement and
national monetary policy adjustment power but having global powers with global
reach. In fact, studies including commons governance,
open source theory and internet socialism have proven that a social group
without a powerful management body at its core will not necessarily degenerate
into chaos. A seemingly loose organization can still be effectively governed
through healthy interactions among its members. This organization, managing
global currency, will be composed of countries or if the world is one country, (for
all humanity with universal valuation for all labor and products) then of rotating
policy making bodies.
in dealings and distributed book keeping will cut settlement/transaction costs.
Global valuation of currency will not need any individual institution for
currency issuance and settlement, and will also cut the lurking “moral risks” that
is borne by today’s National Central Banks.
Global currency
can be deemed (to some extent) as a type of common resource and we can devise
new ways to enable credit expansion though novel ideas like smart contract
or other transactional innovation. Currency
after all is a token, representing valuation and I think should not be anything
else. We should devise a 100 % provision system that forbade commercial banks
from making profit from cash. Fresh money should not come into existence because
of financial profit. Issuance of currency should be directly related to mother earth,
real economy, which it was during the gold standard days. Human ingenuity is
unlimited but not the resources of mother earth.
believe that to further human progress and save the earth, along with other
things, we need to rethink our global financial system as it is the primary
tool for efficient allocation of resources for all humanity. This thinking should
at the least include
Currency focused on universal valuation only. (same product/service should cost
same everywhere on the planet)
Currency managed by decentralized global organization.
transparent, decentralized and shared book keeping.
expansion through innovation in the transaction system and not by expansion of Money.
new money issuance due to financial profit.
currency issuance tied to natural resources of mother earth (directly). Ex:
Gold Standard or Bitcoins (which use a large amount of energy to generate a new